
Empowering you to live in joy

Within you lies joy. 

If you read that with curiosity or hope, you’re in the right place. If you read that with skepticism, dismissal, or “sure, maybe for someone else”, you’re also in the right place. 

When I first discovered joy 8 years ago I was on a silent meditation retreat, which was far outside my comfort zone at the time. I was scared that being in the silence would mean drowning in all the ugliness that circled in my mind. But, to my surprise, it allowed me to clear out the clutter in my head and my heart, and beneath all of it was the craziest feeling…pure joy. 

Before that moment sitting in silence, I thought joy was something to sing about at the holidays or something that certain people could experience, and I was not one of them. Or maybe joy was the same as happiness, that elusive thing that you could experience for a brief second when all the stars aligned. Since then I’ve discovered that joy is really more of a constant existence within me, like my heart beat or my breath. 

So if what I’m saying is actually true and not woo woo, how do so few people actually find it?

Picture for a moment a little kid at the beach or on a playground, just smiling, enJOYing the moment. Even with the toughest childhood, you likely had some of these moments, and the wiring for experiencing this joy is still there, it’s just buried under some muck.

Joy in innate and exists in all of us but most of us have never been taught how to uncover it!

inJOYology is all about moving through the muck and uncovering this joy, allowing you to live with confidence, ease, and inJOYment of your days.

Come join me on this journey to greater joy!

Jen Carter Jen Carter

6 Tips to Navigate the Holidays

The holiday season can often feel overwhelming, even though it’s meant to be a time of joy and connection. In this blog post, I share 6 tips to help you navigate the holidays with ease, balance, and self-compassion. Learn how to honor your needs, focus on the small moments, and let go of perfection, allowing you to enjoy the season in a way that feels aligned with you.

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Jen Carter Jen Carter

Finding Your Way

Feeling lost in life is something we all experience at times. In this video, a client shares their coaching journey in navigating those moments when you feel uncertain, disconnected, or unsure of your direction.

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